- ailàs !
- ai ! las ! interj. hélas
Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015.
Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu. 2015.
Ailas — were a dynasty of kings of ancient India. Pururavas was the most famous Aila King. The Indian epic Mahabharata has the following mention about Ailas at section 2: 14: The numerous royal lines and other ordinary Kshatriyas all represent themselves … Wikipedia
AILAS — Automatic Instrument Landing Approach System … Acronyms
AILAS — Automatic Instrument Landing Approach System … Acronyms von A bis Z
AILAS — aeronaut. abbr. Automatic Instruments Landing System … United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Bel Ailas — Sp Bèl Áilas Ap Belle Isle L JAV (Florida); s. Atlante, Kanada (Niufaundlandas) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Blak Ailas — Sp Blãk Áilas Ap The Black Isle angliškai Ap An t Eilean Dubh geliškai (škotiškai) L p lis Jungtinėje Karalystėje (Škotijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Grand Ailas — Sp Gránd Áilas Ap Grand Isle L JAV: apyg. (Vermontas), mst. (Luiziana, Vermontas) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Presk Ailas — Sp Prèsk Áilas Ap Presque Isle L JAV: p lis Erio ež. (Pensilvanijos v ja), mst. (Meino v ja), apyg. (Mičigano v ja) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Kuru (kingdom) — Kuru (Sanskrit: कुरु) was the name of an Indo Aryan tribe and their kingdom in the Vedic civilization of India, and later a republican Mahajanapada state. Their kingdom was located in the area of modern Haryana (see Kurukshetra). They formed the… … Wikipedia
Magadha Kingdom — This article is about the kingdom of Magadha in Indian epic literature. For the historical kingdom, see Magadha. Magadha was a kingdom ruled by non Vedic kings. Jarasandha was the greatest among them during epic times. His capital was Rajagriha… … Wikipedia